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Home / Blog / Noisy Trumpet / Noisy Trumpet to Offer PR Solutions for PIMLAR

Noisy Trumpet to Offer PR Solutions for PIMLAR

Dec 18, 2020

PIMLAR Solutions is a veteran-owned business established in 2016 that provides legal services including strategy, e-discovery, evidence analysis, arguments, and asset recovery. Their team of experts includes certified fraud examiners, and experts in the insurance, medical, accounting, and legal industries.

We’re excited to announce that Noisy Trumpet is teaming up with this San Antonio-based company to provide public relations support. Our strategy for this 3-month campaign will include media outreach to local, regional, and national media, trade publications, and podcasts. We will also be working with the client to secure thought leadership articles across print and digital media in high-traffic outlets such as The San Antonio Express-News and San Antonio Report. Stay tuned to our website as we begin to roll out our newest campaign alongside PIMLAR Solutions! If you’d like to learn more about our newest client and their extensive investigative services, visit them at

Are you a business looking to drive leads and traffic to your site or business? Our strategic public relations campaigns can help you reach your target audiences across multiple devices and platforms. Contact us today. We’re just one call, like, follow, retweet, and DM away!